Anne Libby, Accidental Retention, 2023, Satin, Batting, 51 x 56 in.
Anne Libby, These Days (extended), 2022, Polished cast aluminum, 71 x 139 x 2 in.
Anne Libby, Inner Echo (grey), 2022, Powder coated steel and aluminum, glass, 43 1/2 x 30 x 34 in.
Installation view, Anne Libby: Inner Green Echo, Magenta Plains, New York, NY 2023.
Anne Libby, Half Past, 2:2, 2022, Polished cast aluminum, 28 x 48 x 2 1/2 in.
Installation view, Anne Libby: Inner Green Echo, Magenta Plains, New York, NY 2023.
Anne Libby, Untitled, 2021, Powder coated steel and aluminum, glass, 38 x 34 x 25 in. Image courtesy of Night Gallery, Los Angeles.
Anne Libby, Halo, 2021, Satin, Batting, 63h x 50w in.
Anne Libby, These Days, 70, 2021, Polished cast aluminum, 46h x 36w in.
Anne Libby, Bat, Butterfly, Moth, 2022, Satin, batting
38 x 34 in.
Anne Libby, Each Star's a Pool of Water, 2021, Satin, Batting, 76h x 57w in.
Anne Libby, Untitled, 2021, Polished cast aluminum, 56h x 34w in.
Anne Libby, Angel Eyes, 2021, Satin, Batting, 40h x 48w in.
Anne Libby, Tan Hand Crank, 2020, Aluminum Venetian Blinds, Plywood, Pigmented Urethane, Formica, Silver leaf
10h x 9w x 7.50d in.
Anne Libby, Rainscreen, 2020, Satin, Batting, Wood, 81h x 36w x 1d in.
Anne Libby, Beaded Iris, 2020, satin, batting, wood, 57h x 25w in.
Anne Libby, Afocal (system), 2020, satin, batting, wood, 60h x 32w in.
Anne Libby, Green Diaphragm, 2020, satin, batting, wood, 50.5h x 52w in.
Installation View, Dilated Sky, Soft Opening: Piccadilly Circus Underground Station, London, United Kingdom, 2020
Anne Libby, Leaf Lift, 2020, glazed ceramic, steel, sanded grout, 72.25h x 12w x 12d in.
Anne Libby, Leaf Lift (detail), 2020, glazed ceramic, steel, sanded grout, 72.25h x 12w x 12d in.
Anne Libby, Total Partial Annular, 2020, glazed ceramic, steel, sanded grout, 66h x 12w x 12d in.
Anne Libby, Total Partial Annular (detail), 2020, glazed ceramic, steel, sanded grout, 66h x 12w x 12d in.
Installation view, Independent Art Fair, Magenta Plains, New York, NY, 2020
Anne Libby, 1NR, 2020, Aluminum Venetian blinds, Formica, plywood, pigmented Urethane, 10h x 9w x 8d in.
Anne Libby, 1NR, 2020, Aluminum Venetian blinds, Formica, plywood, pigmented Urethane, 10h x 9w x 8d in.
Anne Libby, Back of a Spoon, 2020, Aluminum venetian blinds, Formica, plywood, pigmented Urethane, 12h x 9w x 7d in.
Anne Libby, Back of a Spoon, 2020, Aluminum venetian blinds, Formica, plywood, pigmented Urethane, 12h x 9w x 7d in.
Anne Libby, Untitled, 2020, Aluminum venetian blinds, Formica, plywood, pigmented Urethane, 35h x 19w x 24d in.
Anne Libby, Untitled, 2020, Aluminum venetian blinds, Formica, plywood, pigmented Urethane, 35h x 19w x 24d in.
Installation view, Form Constant, Ribordy Thetaz, Geneva, Switzerland, 2019
Anne Libby, Hot Desking, 2019, aluminum and ceramic, 38h x 43w x 60d in.
Anne Libby, Floaters, 2019, polyester satin, batting, 56h x 95.7w in.
Anne Libby, Afterimage on Empty, 2019, polyester satin, batting, 36.8h x 71.5w in.
Anne Libby, Untitled, 2019, polyester satin, batting, 33.5h x 69.7w in.
Anne Libby, Superposable, 2019, plywood, pigmented urethane, venetian blinds, formica, 27h x 17w x 12d in.
Anne Libby, Aura Path, 2019, plywood, pigmented urethane, venetian blinds, formica, 39h x 34w x 16d in.
Anne Libby, Untitled, 2019. plywood, pigmented urethane, venetian blinds, formica, 24x 20w x 18d in.
Installation view, Form Constant, Ribordy Thetaz, Geneva, Switzerland, 2019
Anne Libby, Multiplexer II, 2019, aluminum, glazed ceramic, 80h x 22w x 18.50d in.
Anne Libby, Multiplexer II (detail), 2019, aluminum, glazed ceramic, 80h x 22w x 18.50d in.
Anne Libby, Task View, 2019, aluminum, glazed ceramic, 50h x 19w x 16d in.
Anne Libby, Flash Synch, 2019, plywood, venetian blinds, formica, 11h x 12w x 14.50d in.
Anne Libby, Flash Synch (detail), 2019, plywood, venetian blinds, formica, 11h x 12w x 14.50d in.
Anne Libby, Anatomy of a Continental Shelf, 2019, glazed ceramic, aluminum, steel, paint, polyethylene,
98h x 74w x 8d in
Anne Libby, Anatomy of a Continental Shelf (detail), 2019, glazed ceramic, aluminum, steel, paint, polyethylene,
98h x 74w x 8d in
Anne Libby, Radiolaria, 2018, plywood, pigmented urethane, venetian blinds, formica, 36h x 23.50w x 7d in.
Anne Libby, Sunset Gates, 2018, polyester satin, batting, 80.50h x 129w in.
Installation view, The Golden Door, Magenta Plains, New York, NY, 2018
Anne Libby, City of Fire, 2018, plywood, pigmented urethane, venetian blinds, formica, 31h x 23w x 7d in.
Anne Libby, Thirteenth, 2018, plywood, pigmented urethane, venetian blinds, formica, 42h x 32.25w x 34.25d in.
Anne Libby, Sunset Gates (submerged), 2018, polyester satin, batting, 102h x 128w in.
Installation view, Earthflash, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2018
Installation view, Earthflash, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2018
Anne Libby, Solar Medicine, 2018, plywood, formica, copper pipe, 37h x 61w x 13d in.
Anne Libby, Rollbacks, 2018, plywood, venetian blinds, formica, 70h x 21w x 24d in.
Anne Libby, Rollbacks (detail), 2018, plywood, venetian blinds, formica, 70h x 21w x 24d in.
Installation view, I Held the Landscape in My Arms, Josh Lilley Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 2018
Installation view, I Held the Landscape in My Arms, Josh Lilley Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 2018
Anne Libby, Meeting the Horizon with 10 fingers, 2018, plywood, venetian blinds, formica, 28h x 27w x 11d in.
Anne Libby, Meeting the Horizon with 10 fingers, 2018, plywood, venetian blinds, formica, 28 x 27 x 11 in.
Anne Libby, Shine Me Home, 2018, sand cast glass, plywood, formica, venetian blinds, 40 x 29 x 26 in.
Anne Libby, Shine Me Home (detail), 2018, sand cast glass, plywood, formica, venetian blinds, 40 x 29 x 26 in.
Anne Libby, Shine Me Home, 2018, sand cast glass, plywood, formica, venetian blinds, 40 x 29 x 26 in.
Installation view, Nagy / Libby / Le Va, Magenta Plains, New York, NY, 2017
Anne Libby, Acting Blanks (detail), 2017, glass, wood, formica, polyethylene, powder-coated steel, mylar, 36 x 77 x 132 in.
Anne Libby, Acting Blanks (detail), 2017, glass, wood, formica, polyethylene, powder-coated steel, mylar, 36 x 77 x 132 in.
Installation view, Nagy / Libby / Le Va, Magenta Plains, New York, NY, 2017
Anne Libby, Acting Blanks (detail), 2017, glass, wood, formica, polyethylene, powder-coated steel, mylar, 36 x 77 x 132 in.
Anne Libby, Tessera, 2017, seaweed, laminate, formica, powder-coated steel, 84 x 84 x 84 in.
Anne Libby, Tessera (detail), 2017, seaweed, laminate, formica, powder-coated steel, 84 x 84 x 84 in.
Installation view, Nagy / Libby / Le Va, Magenta Plains, New York, NY, 2017
Anne Libby, To Fathom Hell or Soar Angelic, 2017, plywood, venetian blinds, 84 x 16 x 17 in.
Anne Libby, To Fathom Hell or Soar Angelic (detail), 2017, plywood, venetian blinds, 84 x 16 x 17 in.
Anne Libby, Resident Bilbao Effect, 2017, venetian blinds, particle board, mylar, 84 x 43 x 24 in.
Anne Libby, Thirty Point Star, 2017, plywood, venetian blinds, 84 x 43 x 24 in.
Anne Libby, Thirty Point Star, 2017, plywood, venetian blinds, 84 x 43 x 24 in.
Installation view, You'd Give Him a Flower, He'd Keep it Forever, Curated by Jenni Crain, ZAX, Brooklyn, NY, 2016
Anne Libby, Die, Regenerate, Multiply, 2015, polyethylene, powder-coated steel, 70 x 57 x 3.50 in.
Installation view, Marrow into Moxie, Night Galley, Los Angeles, CA, 2016
Anne Libby, Winged Victory (Beige HDPE), 2015, polyethylene, powder-coated steel, 32 x 36 x 13 in.